These 3 Website Errors Can Hurt Your Bottom Line

We’ve all mixed up your and you’re at some point. But don’t let that kind of mistake linger on your website. Typos and poor grammar can give the impression that you’re sloppy or unprofessional. Don’t let that happen to you. You may not have a writer on staff, but do have a least two other people check all the content on your website for spelling and grammar errors.

The Curse of Knowledge
It’s hard to unknow knowledge. As a result, we end up assuming that our website’s content is clear and straightforward.

When you have a deep understanding, you don’t remember what it’s like to not know that information or to remember how long it took you to gain that knowledge. So, you end up assuming everyone has the same baseline of knowledge around your work that you do.

On your website, that can lead to confusion for your visitors- an unwelcome result when you’re trying to develop a relationship with a potential customer. Help your customers out by:

  • Getting fresh eyes on your website- someone who isn’t from your industry
  • Offering case studies and examples
  • Using an FAQ page

Hide and Seek Contact Information
Do you want the people who make it to your website to contact you? Would you love the chance to convert that visitor into a customer? Don’t hide your contact information. 44 percent of users will leave a company’s website if there’s no contact information or phone number.

An easy solution is to have your Contact Us tab at the top of your homepage. Make it easy for your website visitors to take the next step and connect with you.

Improving your website is an ongoing process and critical to the long-term success of your business. Don’t let these three errors drive your potential customers to a competitor. Keep your website typo-free and easy to use and understand.