What I Do

I’ve been where you are, solving complex problems with limiting resources and competing priorities. When you work with me, there is no canned content or blanket approach. The solutions developed for you and your organization are unique to your needs.

We’ll start with a short scoping discussion, and then I’ll work up a proposal that gives you options on how to approach your project. That’s it. One fee with no hidden charges that pop up later. Together we then identify the right people for the effort and get to work. 

Fundraising Strategy:
There is much discussion about the need for organizations to be agile and resilient. Especially in our currently turbulent economic conditions. However, I believe that stability must happen before agility or the organization’s fundraising efforts will not gain traction. No matter how much or how often the fundraiser pivots. And the first step to achieving fundraising goals is strategic direction.

I specialize in working with solo or small shop Executive Directors. Your organization is unique, and your fundraising strategy should be as well. And it doesn’t have to take a year to develop. Speed and agility are vital today, and your fundraising strategy should support that. 

The New Development Director: I guide new Development Directors in developing priorities, planning action, and securing funding. You can work confidently, clear in the actions that will move your fundraising efforts forward.

You can retain me annually or in quarterly increments. Plus, you get access to the tools and templates developed over 20 years of work in the sector that simplify your work.

I’m an experienced speaker, in-person or virtually, and enjoy sharing my knowledge and insights gained in over 20 years of work in the sector.

Rapid Strategy – How to develop your One-page Fundraising Plan Blueprint
Does this sound familiar? You’re currently struggling through your day, feeling overwhelmed and getting pulled from one task to another.  Good ideas abound, yet you’re stalled in your fundraising results. You know there’s a better way, but who has six months to develop a fundraising strategy?

I share why a fundraising strategy is vital, how to develop a strategy that aligns with organizational capacity, and share tools and templates that take the mystery out of developing an effective fundraising strategy. Each participant will gain clarity, focus, and direction for their fundraising strategy.  

Storytelling – Stories are powerful connectors. Your organization should not be a best-kept secret. Learn how to find and use your stories to gain visibility.

Get WITH it – How to work effectively with a Fundraising Consultant. Working with a consultant should result in significant Return On Investment (ROI). Learn my four-step method to developing an engagement plan that gets you results.

What do you need help with?