Grow Leaders Across All Levels. Here’s How.

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Let’s face it: centralized decision-making can feel safe, but it’s actually a roadblock. Relying on a small group to make every call slows your work, crushes innovation, and contributes to turnover as people feel ineffective.

What if you could spread that decision-making power across your team instead?

That’s where distributed leadership steps in. It’s about empowering your entire organization to lead.

The result? A nonprofit that’s more agile, more creative, and ultimately more impactful.

Here’s how to make it happen:

1. Let People Own Their Work

When people feel ownership, they don’t just work harder—they work smarter. Give your team control over decisions and watch as engagement accelerates progress.

Tactic: Assign Project Leads
Designate a team member to lead every project. Let them own the goals and give them the freedom to decide how to achieve them.

Tactic: Debrief Ownership
After a project wraps, have the lead conduct a debrief. Let them share what worked, what didn’t, and why they made the decisions they did.

Tactic: Focus on Outcomes
Don’t just assign tasks—assign outcomes. Let your team members figure out the “how,” but hold them accountable for delivering results.

2. Equip Your Team to Make Smart Decisions

You can’t expect effective decisions from people who haven’t been trained to make them. Invest in decision-making skills.

Tactic: Host Decision-Making Workshops
Provide training on frameworks like risk assessment and scenario analysis. This gives your team tools they can use immediately.

Tactic: Mentorship Matters
Pair up less experienced staff with mentors who’ve made effective decisions. It’s a great way to grow confidence and ability.

Tactic: Provide Data Access
Don’t leave your team in the dark. Make sure they have all the info they need—like financial updates or progress reports—to make informed choices.

3. Leverage Cross-Functional Teams

Bring together people from different parts of your organization to spark fresh ideas and better decisions.

Tactic: Form Special Task Forces
For big projects, create temporary teams with members from different departments. They’ll bring unique perspectives that can result in better decision-making.

Tactic: Create Cross-Functional Learning Sessions
Set up regular exchanges where team members from different departments can share what they know, helping the entire team collaborate more effectively.

Tactic: Launch a Project Incubation Lab
Create a space for cross-functional teams to experiment with new ideas, free from day-to-day constraints. This promotes creativity and collaborative decision-making.

4. Empower Your Middle Managers

Your middle managers are a goldmine of insights, but they’re often excluded from decision-making. Give them a voice, and you’ll see faster decisions and improved talent retention.

Tactic: Develop Leadership Tracks
Set up a formal development program that hones leadership, decision-making, and communication skills.

Tactic: Delegate Strategic Projects
Assign high-impact projects that align with organizational goals, giving people the chance to prove their decision-making skills.

Tactic: Give Budget Control
Let managers manage their budget. Whether by department or group. It’s a great way to build financial responsibility and improve informed decision-making.

5. Foster Open Communication

For distributed leadership to work, your communication must be transparent and consistent. Open dialogue keeps everyone aligned and results in more informed and effective decisions.

Tactic: Organize Roundtable Discussions
Bring together team members from different departments to discuss projects, ideas, and challenges. These discussions spark innovation and alignment.

Tactic: Create Office Hours with Senior Leaders
Regularly set aside time when senior leaders are available for casual chats. This fosters direct communication without the need for formal meetings.

Tactic: Keep a Decision Log
Record and share significant decisions with the whole team. This transparency builds trust and helps everyone stay on the same page.

6. Align Decisions with Your Big Picture

Every decision your team makes should align with your nonprofit’s mission and goals. This keeps everyone moving in the right direction.

Tactic: Create a Decision Framework
Develop a simple framework that helps team members evaluate decisions based on your mission and resources. I share one I like to use in The Cove.

Tactic: Set Clear Objectives
Make sure every team’s goals connect to your larger strategic objectives. This provides direction while letting your people figure out how to get there.

Tactic: Use OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)
Encourage teams to set OKRs that connect to the organization’s mission, giving them direction while allowing them to decide how to achieve these results.

You can launch an effective distributed leadership plan by using one of the tactics from each of the six steps.

Distributed leadership isn’t just about delegation. It’s about empowering your team to make meaningful decisions that move your organization forward. By giving people ownership, providing decision-making tools, fostering cross-functional teams, empowering middle managers, opening up communication, and aligning decisions with your mission—you’ll create a stronger, more agile nonprofit.

And significantly greater impact for the people/cause you serve.

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