How to Increase Your Nonprofit’s Visibility by Spotlighting Other Nonprofits

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Have you ever said/thought, “we’re a best kept secret?”

I hear it all the time and it is a heartbreaker because I know that means the people and foundations that want to support that work won’t find those nonprofit organizations.

Visibility for your nonprofit organization is vital so that funders, supporters, and connectors know who you are and what you help make happen.

But many nonprofits overlook easy opportunities to gain visibility. They’re tunneled into communicating what they do. And because of that often view other nonprofits as competitors rather than complementors.

But get this.

One of the easiest ways to raise your visibility is to lift up the work of complimentary nonprofits.


I’m not suggesting you just hop online every day and “like” the work of other nonprofits.

I’m suggesting you be strategic in highlighting nonprofits that work in complimentary ways to your organization.

And is this issue I show you how to grow your visibility by lifting up the work of other nonprofits.

Let’s jump in.

  1. Which nonprofits work to solve the same problem as you, but from a different starting point?

Say you’re a nonprofit that helps people with intellectual and developmental disabilities get and maintain a job. Natural complementors for you are your local, regional, state, and national disability advocacy organizations.

  1. Spotlight Your Complementors

Instead of only writing about your work, highlight and spotlight the work of your complimentary nonprofits, explaining how what they do means you can do more of what you do.

This is a super easy way to grow your visibility.

And when you do this consistently, the other nonprofits will often return the favor. You’ve helped them show the impact of their work as well. Which can lead to new followers and supporters for you. And more opportunities for the people or cause you serve.


Key Point: Be consistent. This isn’t a one and done proposition. Build a strategic once a month nonprofit spotlight into your communications. But keep it simple. Use a template, and then fill in the blank. Doesn’t need to be fancy but does need to be consistent.

Here’s an example. Feel free to copy, paste with your customized fill in the blanks.

Shout out to <<Nonprofit Organization Name>> Their work on _________________ means people with intellectual and developmental disabilities can ______________________.

Create the template that works for you and then repeat, repeat.

  1. Be a Connector

In addition to highlighting a complementor, connect your strategic complementors.  Look for ways to amplify their work by connecting your complementors to each other as well. 

When you’re known as a connector, you are viewed as a thought leader, helpful, and valuable. All which help raise your visibility.

Final Thoughts

What many nonprofit leaders don’t realize is that growing your supporters is about more than grinding out 3 posts a week on your activities. That is isolating and insular.

Supporting your complementors on their journey doesn’t take away from your visibility. It actually amplifies it by broadening your network, expanding your audience, and strengthening your relationships.

Strategically highlight other nonprofits and watch your visibility skyrocket.

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