RebeccaWhite photo for bio-min

About Me

Opening scene: My family left the US just before my third birthday after my dad was hired for an overseas assignment in the oil services. My first significant memories are snorkeling in the clear blue Mediterranean Sea off Malta, navigating narrow paths between tall walls, and beach lunches of spaghetti Bolognese. I was lucky to spend my primary school years through my return to the US as an 11th grader, living in different countries across several continents. Studied journalism and advertising in college and after graduation headed west.

The Career begins: In LA with media advertising for the movie industry.

And Then: Married a sailor and in our travels found my love of impact work through nonprofits. Which surprisingly overlaps in many ways with the advertising industry.

And Then: Worked in nonprofit leadership, on boards, and as a volunteer learning how to develop and implement plans that significantly change lives.

Until: Launching my business in 2018 so I could help on a broader scale.

And Now: I help the overloaded nonprofit executive move into the strategic lane and out of the crisis lane.

Rebecca (1)

Rebecca White